Studio Classes

Preschool Ballet/Tap

This 45-minute class is a great introduction to dance for your preschooler. Our goal is to develop a Leo for dance and to have fun while learning basic steps. We explore fundamental dance elements such as place, time, force, and form. Kids love dancing to their favorite songs and with different props each week. Dancers are invited to perform both tap and ballet in our end of year recital that is sure to be the highlight of their year!

K-1st Ballet/Tap

In this 45-minute class, we’ll start to learn faster footwork and more complex routines while maintaining a playful environment Dancers will dance with props, play games, and participate in creative movement exercises. We’ll practice memorizing routines on our own and developing our attention to technical details. Dancers will learn a ballet and tap routine with their class to perform in our spring recital.


These 75-minute classes are for older dancers and require teacher approval to join. For the first half of the year, we focus on developing our technique and learning new steps and tricks. In the second half of the year, we’ll begin working on recital choreography. We shift our focus to applying our technique in a group dance setting, learning precision, formations, and how to shine as an individual while maintaining the cohesion of the group. Rather than naming these classes by their level, classes are assigned a fun name such as “Dancing Dolphins” or “Twirling Tides”. This helps maintain a non-competitive environment that focuses on each dancer doing his or her best rather than defining themselves based on their level.


Studio Schedule

Sneads Ferry
Escoba Bay Clubhouse

4:15-5 K-1st Ballet/Tap
5-6 Tapping Turtles*
6-7:15 Dancing Dolphins*

3:45-4:30 Preschool Ballet/Tap
4:30-5:15 K-1st Ballet/Tap
5:15-6:30 Shining Starfish*
6-7:15 Twirling Tides*

*Denotes instructor approval needed. Combined ballet, tap, and jazz class.

Surf City
Surf City Recreation Center

3:15-4 Preschool Ballet/Tap
4-5:15 1st-3rd Ballet/Tap/Jazz
5:15-6 K-1st Ballet/Tap